
Our services are centred around intellectual property that can be registered. We protect innovation, design, and branding across all sectors of industry, and at all stages in the supply chain.

For each IP right we offer services covering strategic advice, pre-registration searches, registrations and renewals, oppositions and dispute resolution. We handle work throughout the world, working with local colleagues in over 100 countries.


Our attorneys specialise in one or more sectors of industry, which enables them to provide quality advice with a commercial focus.

Our patent specialists have detailed understanding of the background technology, which ensures that your patent applications are prepared with the correct scope, reducing the likelihood of challenges from third parties and objections from the patent office.

They also advise whether other forms of protection would be more appropriate. Our brand specialists work with brand managers for leading brands and their advice is commercially focussed making sure that you get the best value from your budget.










Reddie & Grose有限责任合伙制事务所由欧洲与英国专利、商标和设计方面的代理人组成,是一家世界知名的事务所。我们所提供的知识产权服务质量高、价格具有竞争力,而且根据客户的需求量身打造,因此享有盛名。





我们的团队由经验丰富的专利代理人组成,其中包括在电子、软件、机械系统、化学、医药和生物科技方面的专家。Reddie & Grose有限责任合伙制事务所还是一些专业团体的成员,这些团体包括专利代理人特许学会、欧洲专利学会、国际保护知识产权协会和欧洲工业产权代理人联合会,我们事务所在知识产权专业普查中名列前茅。





Year in Review: Artificial Intelligence at the EPO in 2022: 年度回顾:2022 年欧洲专利局人工智能专利情况

UPC Proceedings FAQ: 统一专利法院法律程序常见问题及解答

The Unitary Patent and UPC : 统一专利和统一专利法院

The Unified Patent Court – opting out: 统一专利法院——选择退出

How has Brexit affected the UPC: 英国脱欧对统一法院有何影响



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